It all begins with the Mar Vista Stakeholder. The Mar Vista Community Council was created for stakeholders and is run by stakeholders.
A Mar Vista Stakeholder is defined as "any individual who: 1) lives, works, or owns real property within the boundaries of the Neighborhood Council; or 2) is a Community Interest Stakeholder, defined as an individual who is a member of or participates in a Community Organization within the boundaries of the Neighborhood Council.
The Mar Vista Community Council (MVCC)
There are fifteen directors that sit on the Mar Vista Community Council. Seven are Zone Directors, seven are At-Large Directors, and one is a Community Interest Director. Each is responsible for attending and participating in the monthly Board of Directors’ meetings. Check the Calendar for meeting days/times and agendas.
The boundaries of Mar Vista are divided into seven Zones which is shown on our Find Your Zone page. On that page, as well as in the sidebar of every webpage, you may enter and submit your address to be taken to your Zone-specific page.
As stated in our Bylaws, the goals and objectives of the MVCC shall be as follows:
- To offer a forum to permit MVCC stakeholders to collaborate and deliberate on matters of interest to the community;
- To be an advocate for the MVCC area to government and private agencies on issues for which there is broad community agreement;
- To facilitate the delivery of City services to neighborhoods by helping to identify community needs and involving relevant City staff in achieving integrated problem-solving techniques;
- To develop a system of ongoing communication with stakeholders regarding current and upcoming projects, issues and events;
- To encourage stakeholder participation in MVCC activities; and
- To interact with other neighborhood councils on issues of mutual concern and participate in citywide neighborhood conventions.
From the fifteen directors, five are chosen to be the Officers that sit on the Executive & Finance Committee.
The officers are the Chair, Vice-Chair, 2nd Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer.
To learn more about and view the current officers, visit our Executive & Finance Committee page.
Zone Director
Each Zone is represented by its own Zone Director who is a Stakeholder in that Zone and is elected by only Stakeholders from that Zone.
Found on our Elections & Bylaws Committee page, the MVCC Bylaws hold each director to the duties and responsibilities as follows: a) to carry out the goals and objectives of the MVCC; b) to authorize or approve all business of the MVCC; c) to direct and control MVCC activities; and d) to oversee the ethical and financial integrity of the MVCC.
Our Standing Rules (also on our Elections & Bylaws Committee page) require each MVCC committee to "notify the appropriate Zone Director(s) of agenda items specific to that Zone or immediately adjacent to it."
Zone Directors are also responsible for providing a report, as necessary, during the publically-held Board of Directors meeting. Check our Calendar for the days/times.
At-Large Director
The At-Large Director is not zone-specific. Anyone who is a stakeholder within the boundaries of Mar Vista may run. There are seven At-Large Directors.
Found on our Elections & Bylaws Committee page, the MVCC Bylaws hold each director to the duties and responsibilities as follows: a) to carry out the goals and objectives of the MVCC; b) to authorize or approve all business of the MVCC; c) to direct and control MVCC activities; and d) to oversee the ethical and financial integrity of the MVCC.
Community Director
A Community Director must be a stakeholder who live, work, or own real property or a business within the MVCC's boundaries and also those who declare a stake in the neighborhood as a Community Interest Stakeholder, defined as an individual who is a member of or participtes in a Community Organization within the boundaries of the neighborhood council.
A “Community Organization” is an entity that has continuously maintained a physical street address within the boundaries of the neighborhood council for not less than one year, and that performs ongoing and verifiable activities and operations that confer some benefit on the community within the boundaries of the neighborhood council. A for-profit entity shall not qualify as a Community Organization. Examples of Community Organizations may include Chambers of Commerce, houses of worship or other faith-based organizations, educational institutions, or non-profit organizations.
[The definition of “Stakeholder” and its related terms are defined by City Ordinance and cannot be changed without City Council action. See Los Angeles Administrative Code Section 22.801.1]
Committee Chair
A Committee Chair presides at its committee meetings is responsible for drafting and posting the agendas, posting meeting minutes (upon committee approval), and delegate responsibilities (e.g., minute taking) as needed.
Committee Chairs will notify their fellow Committee Chair(s), prior to the meeting, if they are unable to attend a regularly scheduled Committee meeting.
All Stakeholders appointed as Committee Chairs shall also take ethics and funding training within three (3) months of their appointment and prior to making motions or voting on matters before a Committee.