Chair: Martin Rubin
Vice-Chair: Holly Tilson
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Mission Statement
Recognizing that many Mar Vista stakeholders are located either directly under airport flight paths, immediately adjacent to, or impacted by airport activities:
It is the mission of the MVCC Airport Committee to represent the interests of, and to keep MV stakeholders informed of the ongoing health, safety, environmental, monetary, and quality of life issues created by the activities of the airports, solutions to these issues, and to link with other community organizations and their activities.
The MVCC Airport Committee will facilitate communications:
To Los Angeles and Santa Monica city officials regarding the concerns of MV stakeholders and airport activities
To encourage LA and SM city officials to take part in the search for solutions to the above-mentioned issues
To educate state and federal officials regarding the on-going health and safety issues of MV stakeholders impacted by the Santa Monica and Los Angeles Airports
To encourage state and federal officials to enact administrative and legislative action to remedy above issues.
For complete up-to-date information about the MVCC Santa Monica Airport Survey, including survey results, please see the MVCC Santa Monica Airport Survey news article, or click on the attachments below.
AttachmentSizeAdditional information regarding SMO Survey Comments.pdf62.22 KBMVCC SM Airport Committee mission statement.pdf58.47 KBMVCC SM Airport Survey Comments.pdf513.9 KBSurveyGizmo Report_ Report ...pdf200.53 KB
Committee News
Apr 18 2016 - 10:15am
Santa Monica Airport Ad-Hoc Committee Meeting
MAR VISTA COMMUNITY COUNCIL Santa Monica Airport Ad-Hoc Committee Meeting
Jun 30 2009 - 5:20pm
City's Response to FAA Cease and Desist Order
The City argues that the Ordinance is fully compliant and consistent with the City’s responsibilities as laid out in the 1984 Settlement Agreement between the City and the FAA; and that the Federal government cannot compel the City of Santa Monica to take a course of action (ie.
May 1 2009 - 2:31pm
Santa Monica Airport, Part Two: Who Comes First?
There were a lot of Mirror reader responses to last week's column in this space concerning the use of the Santa Monica Airport by business jets, specifically FAA category C and D "business jets." Many seemed to feel that I was simply a homeowner complaining about living near an airport.
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