Aging In Place Subcommittee

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Co-Chairs: Sherri Akers, Tatiana Luethi, Birgitta Kastenbaum, Nanxi Liu

Co-Founders: Sherri Akers & Tatjana Luethi 
Committee Meetings - TBD
Meetings held at Windward School, Room 1030 in Bldg P (by baseball diamond)
See campus map for room location and parking here
You can also ask the security guard in the parking lot for directions.
Parking entrance is on Sawtelle
11350 Palms Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90066
Contact - for more info

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The Mar Vista Community Council  Aging in Place Committee has a rich and diverse community. Our committee brings a wide range of expertise related to aging – starting with seniors themselves, professionals in services and non-profits, those providing care to senior family members and those who are planning ahead for our own senior years. Each month we host a guest speaker at our meeting and provide opportunities for networking and sharing personal stories. Please join us! 

Did you miss a speaker?

Find detailed minutes on our Aging in Place Speaker Series page

The mission of the Mar Vista Community Council Aging in Place Committee is to provide an empowering voice and a network of resources to our diverse community of seniors.

  • Outreach - keeping the community aware of issues and providing information on resources 
  • Collaboration - with the Mar Vista Chamber of Commerce, our city and county departments and elected officials, and local organizations on needs for aging in place.
  • Advocacy - viewing issues that come before MVCC and the City Council with specific attention to how they support our ability to age in place.

     Things to donate? If  you are ready to downsize or close up the home of a loved one? Check this list of local resources that you can donate to.

Community Resources for Aging in Place
AARP  - 8 treatable conditions that mimic dementia
AARP Caregivers Resource Center
AARP - Liveability Index
AARP - A great resource for information on topics and current work related to aging.

Access Services – ADA Complementary Paratransit service for functionally disabled individuals in Los Angeles County.
Alzheimer’s Association support group  is an open gathering of people with common needs and interests who come together to share their feelings, thoughts and experiences in a combined effort to better cope with and manage the shared challenges of dementia in a safe environment. Support groups may include persons with dementia as well as caregivers.
Before you give up the car keys - brochure for a road map for transportation and independence
Bet Tzedek – provides free, comprehensive legal services for low-income individuals and families in Los Angeles including Elder Law and Disability Services

California Advocates for Nursing Home Reform (CANHR) - This website is to help you in your search for a nursing home in California that best suits your or your family member's needs and is maintained by CANHR features information on California hospitals, medical groups, nursing homes, and other long-term care facilities, along with tips and checklists about how to choose a health care provider, questions to ask, how to pay for care, and what to do if something goes wrong.
City of Los Angeles Department of Aging – provides community based services to seniors and their caregivers to ensure the highest quality of life as possible while remaining in the community.

Cityride is a transportation assistance program for individuals age 65 or older and qualified disabled persons in the City of Los Angeles and select areas of Los Angeles County. The program offers Cityride participants reduced costs for the purchase of City of Los Angeles permitted taxi riders and Cityride Dial-A-Ride service.
Eldercare Locator - a public service of the Administration on Aging, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is a nationwide service that connects older Americans and their caregivers with information on senior services.

Emergency Alert Response System (EARS) – program promotes security and independence of elderly persons by providing a telecommunication device that provides assistance in an emergency.
FTC National Do Not Call Registry - The National Do Not Call Registry gives you a choice about whether to receive telemarketing calls at home. Most telemarketers should not call your number once it has been on the registry for 31 days. If they do, you can file a complaint at this Website. You can register your home or mobile phone for free.

Handyworker Program – provides free minor home repairs for low-income seniors and disabled persons who own and occupy a single family home in the City of Los Angeles.
Home Modifications to Promote Independent Living - This fact sheet from AARP explains home modifications and how they can increase accessibility and safety for older adults so they can stay in their homes.
HUD Funding for Tenant-Protection Vouchers for Certain At-Risk Households in Low-Vacancy Areas - 2014 Appropriations Act   - The 2014 Appropriations Act  may be made available to provide housing choice voucher rental assistance to residents residing in low-vacancy areas and who may have to pay rents greater than 30 percent of household income.

Independent Transportation Network ® (ITN) is dignified. Older adults who join ITN become dues-paying members of a non-profit organization committed to their independence and mobility. 

Jewish Family Service of Los Angeles is a multi-service Agency whose goals are to strengthen and preserve individual, family and community life by providing a wide range of needed human services to people in the community at every stage of the life cycle, especially those who are poor and disadvantaged. The agency is guided by ethical and spiritual values of Judaism in its provision of services.
LADWP Senior Citizen/Disability Lifeline Rate- Customers who are 62 years of age or older or permanently disabled may qualify, based solely on their income, to have a discount applied to their electric and/or water bills. The discount is available under provisions of the Los Angeles Municipal Code or the Revenue and Taxation Code of the State of California.

Los Angeles Caregiver Resource Center - LACRC is part of a statewide system of regional resource centers created by California legislation passed in 1984 and designed to assist families and caregivers of adults with brain impairment. 
Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office information on elder abuse.  If you are concerned that someone is attempting to victimize you or a senior that you know, contact the Elder Abuse Hotline at (877) 477-3646, your local law enforcement agency or the appropriate agency listed in the telephone numbers section.

Meals on Wheels Culver Palms  – providing nutritious meals at an affordable price to persons who are confined to their homes because of illness, accident, convalescence or age. Delivering to Mar Vista and nearby communities.

National Aging in Place Council (NAIPC) provides a network of professionals from the private, public and non-profit sectors who can help you plan for your future housing and care needs and provides additional ideas and information to help accomplish whatever goals you may have.

National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA) - Directed by the U.S. Administration on Aging, NCEA is a resource for policy makers, social service and health care practitioners, the justice system, researchers, advocates, and families. Response and prevention strategies for elder and vulnerable adult abuse are numerous and varied. NCEA has summarized and collected information about some of the most well-known interventions and response systems. It’s important to remember that ANYONE can help at some level.
National Council for Aging Care is the nations leading non profit service and advocacy organization representing older adults and the community organizations that serve them.

NIA’s Older Drivers AgePage describes common concerns and offers safety tips and resources
Nursing Homes in California - At the top of the California nursing homes list are those with a rating of five stars from the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services for their overall performance in health inspections, nurse staffing and quality of medical care.

OPICA - Optimistic People In a Caring Atmosphere - provides stimulating and therapeutic cognitive and sensory programs that actively engage people from early to later stages of memory loss and related neurological impairment.

Retail Savings Guide for Baby Boomers - provides a detailed walkthrough of discounts and special offers for seniors. 
Road to Recovery provided by American Cancer Society – California – Provides ambulatory cancer patients and their caregivers with ground transportation to and from cancer treatment. Rides are dependent on volunteer driver availability and must be arranged seven days in advance by calling 1-800-227-2345.

Rosalyn Carter Institute for Caregiving - an advocacy, education, research, and service unit of Georgia Southwestern State University.
Seniors and the Law -  A Guide for Maturing Californians is the third in a series of State Bar consumer education guides and is available in both English and Spanish.

St. Joseph Center Senior Services - Housed Seniors: For many elderly, isolated individuals, our Senior Service Program serves as a bridge to critically needed community services. Case managers work with older individuals, and often their friends, families and neighbors, to develop service plans that will allow them to maintain the maximum level of independence appropriate to their situation. These plans address housing needs, provide advocacy for new or continuing government benefits, link seniors with In-Home Supportive Services, and assure that medical, mental health, nutritional and social needs are adequately met.  Homeless Seniors: Our case managers work with homeless older adults to meet their unique needs. Most referrals come from hospitals, police and fire personnel, concerned community members and our own Homeless Service Center. Many homeless seniors have been on the streets for years and, having adapted to these circumstances, may not easily take to another way of life. By building trust and explaining options, our staff helps this very vulnerable group of people accept the housing, benefits, treatment and services they need to, literally, save their lives. 

UCLA Division of Geriatrics -  specialists in the managing of the overall health of people age 65 and older and treating the medical disorders that frequently affect the elderly, including falls and immobility, urinary incontinence (lack of bladder control), memory loss and dementia, arthritis, high blood pressure, heart disease, osteoporosis and diabetes.

Westside Center for Independent Living - WCIL is dedicated to assisting persons with disabilities and seniors achieve and maintain self-directed and community based independent lives. This is accomplished in a non-residential environment with support services and training programs provided by their peers.
Wise & Healthy Aging -WISE & Healthy Aging is a multi-service, non-profit organization serving older adults and their families and caregivers throughout Los Angeles County. Headquartered in Santa Monica, the team at WISE & Healthy Aging works to promote and improve the well-being, independence and self-esteem of seniors, and to prevent premature institutionalization whenever possible.  Westside Guide for the 50+ (resource guide).

To check on licensing and certification of nursing homes

  • Health care facilities in California are licensed, regulated, inspected, and/or certified by a number of public and private agencies at the state and federal levels, including the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Licensing and Certification Program (L&C) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). These agencies have separate -- yet sometimes overlapping -- jurisdictions.  L&C is responsible for ensuring health care facilities comply with state laws and regulations. In addition, L&C cooperates with CMS to ensure that facilities accepting Medicare and Medi-Cal (in California, Medicaid is referred to as Medi-Cal) payments meet federal requirements. L&C also oversees the certification of nurse assistants, home health aides, hemodialysis technicians, and the licensing of nursing home administrators.
  • The Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program is a separate program and is responsible for investigating and trying to resolve complaints made by, or on behalf of, individual residents in long-term care facilities
  • To make a complaint about conditions in a nursing home, residential care facility or assisted living facility in Los Angeles:
  • To file a complaint against a nursing home with the Licensing and Certification Division of the CA Dept of Public Health:

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