Join us at the Special Board of Director's Meeting

Posted on 06/26/2024

Special Board of Directors Meeting - ZOOM
6:30pm - 10:00pm


Remote Conferencing by Zoom Link:

Remote Conferencing by Phone: 669-900-6833 | Meeting ID: (Webinar) 846 6660 9891


6.1. Election of Executive Board – NominatIon and election of Chair, First Vice-Chair, Second Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer for FY 2024-2025.

10.1. [ADMINISTRATIVE] [FUNDING] Monthly Expenditure Report - Discussion and possible action regarding the Monthly Expenditure Report [MER] for May 2024 10.2. [ADMINISTRATIVE] [FUNDING] Budget Adjustments - Discussion and possible action regarding the budget adjustments for June 2024

12.1. [POLICY] [T&I] Collaborating with Palms NC on a letter re: left-turn signals - Discussion and possible action regarding a draft letter from Palms NC addressing left-turn signals on Palms and Overland Ave., and potentially other intersections that lie on the borders between our two NCs.

13.1. [PRESENTATION] Legacy Workforce Program - Presentation of the Legacy Workforce Program by the Los Angeles City of Economic & Workforce Development Department.

13.2. [POLICY] [T&I] Council File 24-0602 (Synthetic Grass / Artificial Turf / Poly Fluoroalkyl Substances (Pfas) / Forever Chemicals / Health And Environmental Risks / Drought-Friendly Landscaping). Discussion and possible action regarding Council File 24-0602, calling for the city to transition away from future use of synthetic turf or artificial grass, and continue to incentivize the transition towards California drought-friendly landscaping broadly.

13.3. [POLICY] [ELECTION & BYLAWS] - Recertification of Approved MVCC Bylaws - Recertification of approved MVCC bylaws by BONC per bylaw requirement of the MVCC.

13.4. [POLICY] [PHS & HOMELESS] CF 21-0329-S4 LAMC 41.18 - Discussion and Potential Action on Motion regarding the Opposition to LA City Council Public Safety Housing & Homelessness Public Works Motion to Impair the Implementation of LAMC 41.18,

Legacy Business Program TOOLKIT & Program Thurs. June 27th

Posted on 06/26/2024

Join us for a presentation from the Legacy Business Program at the Thursday, June 27th Special Board of Director's Meeting 
A Toolkit is included. Please click on the image titled Legacy Business Toolkit. We hope you find it useful.
The City of LA Legacy Business Program is an ongoing initiative to celebrate and support the visibility, legacy, and sustainability of Legacy Businesses with tangible benefits, including technical assistance, promotional support, and access to grants and loans. The program will support the visibility, patronage, and sustainability of long-standing small businesses within the City of LA that contribute to the city’s rich cultural and historical identity. The Legacy Business Program aims to foster economic empowerment by encouraging patronage of participating Legacy Businesses throughout Los Angeles. A "Legacy Business" is defined as a business open to the public that has been in operation for 20 years or more within the same community and which meets three of the following four criteria:
● It contributes significantly to its community's history or identity.
● It sustains and cultivates distinctive cultural traditions or practices.
● Thebusiness is not franchised or affiliated with a national corporate chain.
● It provides vital goods and services in a language and manner that is culturally accessible to the community

Spring/Summer Newsletter is HERE

Posted on 06/26/2024

As we head into our second year of our term, we have gathered what your Mar Vista Community Council has been doing the past year. 

Posted on 05/06/2024

Don't miss Camp ReadyLA, a free week-long program tailored for ages 17-22, offering insights on emergency management. This event will be at the Emergency Operations Center in downtown LA. Applications are due by June 3!

Posted on 04/16/2024

Free-roaming pets

Free-roaming pets, especially cats (and sometimes small dogs), may attract coyotes into neighborhoods. The best way to minimize risk to pets is never to leave them outside unattended. For cats, this means either keeping ~hem indoors at all times or letting them outside only under your supervision wearing a harness and leash or in a secure enclosure (such as a catio).

Always walk dogs on a leash (6 ft long or less), and attend td them when they're outside unless you have acoyote-proof fence.

Community cat colonies

People who feed community cats are often concerned that coyotes might prey on the cats. These concerns are well-founded, as coyotes are attracted to both the outdoor ret food and the cats themselves as prey.

Here are general suggestions for keeping such cats safer:

Feed cats only once per day and at a set time. Pick up any leftovers immediately.

Elevate feeding stations beyond coyotes'-but not the cats'-reach.

Give community cats escape routes in places where trees and other climbing opportunities are scarce. Install wooden posts (four inches by four inches or corner posts) that stand out of the ground at least 7 to 12 feet and can be climbed by cats but not by coyotes.

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