Community Plan Subcommittee


The mission of the MVCC Community Plan Ad Hoc Committee is to engage Mar Vista stakeholders in the City of Los Angeles’ Palms-Mar Vista-Del Rey Community Plan update. The process of updating this Plan will involve addressing issues of open space, development, transportation, public services, mobility, safety and maintenance of quality of life, as they relate locally to the neighborhoods and “Zones” of Mar Vista’s Community Council. MVCC’s Ad Hoc Committee will mediate the interests of and facilitate communications between MVCC stakeholders and the City via workshops and regular monthly meetings.

If feasible, the Committee will develop a Neighborhood Plan specific to Mar Vista and the neighborhoods encompassed by MVCC’s boundary.


This committee meets monthly, and may hold additional meetings. All attending Stakeholders are voting members of the committee. The public is welcome to make comment during the Public Comment period. Check our Calendar for meeting days/times and the agenda. There will only be a meeting if an agenda has been posted 72 hours beforehand.

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Meetings (Agendas, Minutes, Documents)

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