Until further notice, all meetings will be held online via Zoom.
You can use this link to join our regularly scheduled Planning & Land Use Management Committee (PLUM) meetings, which are on the first Tuesday of the month starting at 6:30PM: https://zoom.us/j/95872862038
Meeting ID: 958 7286 2038
Dial in: (720) 707-2699 or (346) 248-7799
Here are the instructions on how to join a Zoom meeting: MarVista.org/remote
Until further notice, all meetings will be held online via Zoom.
You can use this link to join our regularly scheduled Executive & Finance Committee meetings, which are on the second Thursday of the month starting at 6:30PM: https://zoom.us/j/96470572576
Meeting ID: 964 7057 2576 (Webinar)
Dial in: (720) 707-2699 or (346) 248-7799
Here are the instructions on how to join a Zoom meeting: MarVista.org/remote
Until further notice, all meetings will be held online via Zoom.
You can use this link to join our regularly scheduled Board of Directors' meetings, which are on the third Wednesday of the month starting at 6:30PM: https://zoom.us/j/94656476371
Meeting ID: 946 5647 6371 (Webinar)
Dial in: (720) 707-2699 or (346) 248-7799
Here are the instructions on how to join a Zoom meeting: MarVista.org/remote
Until further notice, all meetings will be held online via Zoom.
You can use this link to join our regularly scheduled Transportation & Infrastructure (T&I) Committee meetings, which are on the first Wednesday of the month starting at 6:00PM: https://zoom.us/j/93701078039
Meeting ID: 937 0107 8039
Dial in: (720) 707-2699 or (346) 248-7799
Here are the instructions on how to join a Zoom meeting: MarVista.org/remote
Until further notice, all meetings will be held online via Zoom.
You can use this link to join our regularly scheduled Outreach Committee meetings, which are on the first Thursday of the month starting at 6:30PM: https://zoom.us/j/98973758618
Meeting ID: 989 7375 8618
Dial in: (720) 707-2699 or (346) 248-7799
Here are the instructions on how to join a Zoom meeting: MarVista.org/remote
Until further notice, all meetings will be held online via Zoom.
You can use this link to join our regularly scheduled Elections & Bylaws Committee meetings, which are on the second Tuesday of the month starting at 6:00PM: https://zoom.us/j/93644477061
Meeting ID: 936 4447 7061
Dial in: (720) 707-2699 or (346) 248-7799
Here are the instructions on how to join a Zoom meeting: MarVista.org/remote
Until further notice, all meetings will be held online via Zoom.
You can use this link to join our regularly scheduled PHS & Homeless Committee meetings, which are on the second Wednesday of the month starting at 6:30PM: https://zoom.us/j/98720549076
Meeting ID: 987 2054 9076
Dial in: (720) 707-2699 or (346) 248-7799
Here are the instructions on how to join a Zoom meeting: MarVista.org/remote
Until further notice, all meetings will be held online via Zoom.
You can use this link to join our regularly scheduled Executive & Finance Committee meetings, which are on the second Thursday of the month starting at 6:30PM: https://zoom.us/j/96470572576
Meeting ID: 964 7057 2576 (Webinar)
Dial in: (720) 707-2699 or (346) 248-7799
Here are the instructions on how to join a Zoom meeting: MarVista.org/remote
Until further notice, all meetings will be held online via Zoom.
You can use this link to join our regularly scheduled Board of Directors' meetings, which are on the third Wednesday of the month starting at 6:30PM: https://zoom.us/j/94656476371
Meeting ID: 946 5647 6371 (Webinar)
Dial in: (720) 707-2699 or (346) 248-7799
Here are the instructions on how to join a Zoom meeting: MarVista.org/remote
Until further notice, all meetings will be held online via Zoom.
You can use this link to join our regularly scheduled Board of Directors' meetings, which are on the third Wednesday of the month starting at 6:30PM: https://zoom.us/j/94656476371
Meeting ID: 946 5647 6371 (Webinar)
Dial in: (720) 707-2699 or (346) 248-7799
Here are the instructions on how to join a Zoom meeting: MarVista.org/remote
The City of Los Angeles and Metro are upgrading mobility on. Venice Blvd from Lincoln Blvd to National Blvd. This project proposes to improve comfort and safety for all who travel on Venice Blvd. by protecting the existing bike lane, dedicating a lane for faster and more reliable bus service, and adding safety features throughout the corridor.
Please join us to learn more about the proposed new design, ask questions, and tell us what you think. We want to hear from you!
Help us make sure the project reflects the priorities of everyone who uses the street.
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